Face recognition is an instigating research field that may lead to the development of many promising applications. Although many efficient and robust algorithms have been developed in this area, there are still many challenges to be overcome. In particular, a robust and compact face representation is still to be found, which would allow for quick classification of different individuals.
In order to address this problem, we first studied pattern recognition techniques, especially regarding dimensionality reduction, followed by the main face recognition methods. We introduced a new feature selection approach in collaboration with the researcher Isabelle Bloch (TSI-ENST-Paris), that associates an efficient searching algorithm (sequential floating search methods), with a tolerance-based fuzzy distance. This distance measure presents some nice features for dealing with the tipicalities of each pattern in the sets, so that good results can be attained even when the sets are overlapping. Preliminary results with synthetic data have demonstrated that this method is quite promising.
In order to verify the efficiency of this technique with real data, we applied it for improving the performance of a person recognition system based on eye images. Since this problem involves more than two classes, we also developed a new criterion function based on the above-mentioned distance. Moreover, we proposed (together with Rogério S. Feris) a system for person recognition based on video sequences. This mechanism includes the development of an efficient method for facial features tracking, in addition to our method for feature selection. In this context, the work presented here constitutes part of the proposed system. Related work and other information can be found at~