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- 1
Sharath Pankanti, Rund M. Bolle, and Anil Jain.
Biometrics: The future of identification.
Computer, pages 46-49, February 2000.
- 2
Rama Chellappa, Charles L. Wilson, and Saad Sirohey.
Human and machine recognition of faces: A survey.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 83(5):703-740, May 1995.
- 3
Alex Pentland.
Looking at people: Sensing for ubiquitous and wearable computing.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
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- 4
Martin Bichsel, editor.
First International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition.
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- 5
I. Essa, editor.
Second IEEE International Conference on Face and Gesture
IEEE Computer Society Press, Killington, USA, October 1996.
- 6
Masahiko Yachida, editor.
Third IEEE International Conference on Face and Gesture
IEEE Computer Society Press, Nara, Japan, April 1998.
- 7
James L. Crowley, editor.
Forth IEEE International Conference on Face and Gesture
IEEE Computer Society Press, Grenoble, France, March 2000.
- 8
Rangachar Kasturi, editor.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
IEEE Computer Society Press, July 1997.
Theme Section of the Journal - Face and Gesture Recognition.
- 9
Teófilo Emídio de Campos, Rogério Schmidt Feris, and Roberto Marcondes Cesar
Improved face
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descriptors through feature selection.
In Proceedings of 13th SIBGRAPI. IEEE Computer Society Press,
October 2000.
- 10
Rogério Schmidt Feris and Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior.
Detection and tracking of facial landmarks using gabor wavelet
In Sameer Singh, Nabeel Murshed, and Walter Kropatsch, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, March 2001. The
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- 11
Rogério Schmidt Feris, Teófilo Emídio de Campos, and Roberto Marcondes Cesar
Detection and tracking of facial features in video sequences.
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- 12
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- 13
Anil K. Jain, Robert P. W. Duin, and Jianchang Mao.
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- 15
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- 16
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- 17
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, and Ronald R. Yager, editors.
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- 18
Teófilo Emídio Campos, Rogério Schmidt Feris, and Roberto Marcondes Cesar Jr.
Eigenfaces versus eigeneyes: First steps towards performance
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In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, volume 1973, pages
197-206, Acapulco, Mexico, April 2000. The Mexican Society for Artificial
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- 19
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- 23
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- 24
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- 25
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- 26
Sami Romdhani.
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- 27
Leurenz Wiskott, Jean-Marc Fellous, Norbert Krüger, and Christoph von der
Face recognition by elastic bunch graph matching.
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- 28
Leurenz Wiskott, Jean-Marc Fellous, Norbert Krüger, and Christoph von der
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Voker Krüger and Gerald Sommer.
Gabor wavelet networks for object representation.
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- 31
Baback Moghaddam and Alex Pentland.
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- 32
Marco La Cascia and Stam Sclaroff.
Fast, reliable head tracking under varying illumination.
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- 33
Yaser Yacoob, Heung-Man Lam, and Larry S. Davis.
Recognizing faces showing expressions.
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- 34
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- 35
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- 36
Stephen McKenna, Shaogang Gong, and Yogesh Raja.
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- 39
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- 40
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- 57
Teófilo Emídio de Campos, Isabelle Bloch, and Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior.
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- 59
Teófilo Emídio de Campos, Rogério Schmidt Feris, and Roberto Marcondes Cesar
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- 63
Teófilo Emídio de Campos, Rogério Schmidt Feris, and Roberto Marcondes Cesar
A framework for face recognition from video sequences using gwn and
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In Roberto Marcondes Cesar Junior, editor, Proceedings of
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Teofilo Emidio de Campos