This PhD research is related to the project "Hand tracking for occupational therapy" (proc. FAPESP 14/50769-1), which aims to study computer vision techniques capable of providing support to rheumatoid arthritis (AR) recovery. AR is a deformity characterized by a deviation on the fingers named ulnar deviation, affecting motion functionality of the hand. The treatment requires dynamic and functional evaluations. Typically, Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaires are used to assess hand function during the recovery process and quantitative evaluation uses range of motion measurements (Total Active Movement and Total Passive Movement - TAM and TPM respectively). The process is static, time-consuming and does not provide objective feedback to patients. Therefore, the project aims to investigate the use of computer vision techniques to provide objective feedback to the patient and to produce quantitative evaluations about their movement function and evolution.
author={L. W. {Xavier Cejnog} and R. {Marcondes Cesar} and T. E. {de Campos} and V. {Meirelles Carril Elui}},
booktitle={2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face Gesture Recognition (FG 2019)},
title={Hand range of motion evaluation for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients},
title={A framework for automatic hand range of motion evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis patients},
author={Cejnog, Luciano Walenty Xavier and de Campos, Teofilo and Elui, Val{\'e}ria Meirelles Carril and Cesar Jr, Roberto Marcondes},
journal={Informatics in Medicine Unlocked},
title={Hand pose estimation and movement analysis for occupational therapy},
author={Cejnog, Luciano Walenty Xavier},
school={Instituto de Matem{\'a}tica e Estat{\'i}stica, University of S{\~a}o Paulo},