RA-Hand dataset

Dataset for hand pose estimation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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This page contains data and download links for the data used in the paper "A framework for automatic hand range of motion evaluation of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients", submitted to IEEE Informatics in Medicine Unlocked.

The data acquisition was made in collaboration with Professors Valeria Elui and Daniela Goia at the Hospital das Clínicas at Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP-USP), located at the University of São Paulo's Ribeirão Preto campus. We studied different sensors and designed an acquisition protocol. The sensor used for acquisition was the Intel® Realsense SR300.

Our dataset contains samples captured from 12 healthy subjects and 8 RA patients, performing flexion and abduction movements with each of their hands. For each RA patient and each hand with ulnar deviation, we obtained two flexion and two abduction sequences.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis 8
Number of people in the control set 12
Patient sequences 79
Control sequences 108
Patient clips 310
Control clips 581
Total clips 891
Total number of frames 85755
Frames used on clips 60192
Summary of the dataset.


The FG 2019 paper presents a more detailed description of the dataset and acquisition protocol.

The paper submitted to Informatics in Medicine Unlocked (IMU) will be available shortly.


Disclaimer: by downloading and using the datasets below (or part of them) you agree to acknowledge their source and cite the paper or the thesis in related publications. We will be grateful if you contact us to let us know about the usage of the our datasets.

A framework for automatic hand range of motion evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis patients - Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 2021 [Link]

title={A framework for automatic hand range of motion evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis patients},
author={Cejnog, Luciano Walenty Xavier and de Campos, Teofilo and Elui, Val{\'e}ria Meirelles Carril and Cesar Jr, Roberto Marcondes},
journal={Informatics in Medicine Unlocked},

Hand pose estimation and movement analysis for occupational therapy - PhD thesis, IME/USP - 2021 [Link]

title={Hand pose estimation and movement analysis for occupational therapy},
author={Cejnog, Luciano Walenty Xavier},
school={Instituto de Matem{\'a}tica e Estat{\'i}stica, University of S{\~a}o Paulo},

Main contact: cejnog@ime.usp.br