Research Interests
I am interested in Machine Learning and Intelligence Artificial. Research topics I worked or I working on are:
- Interpretable Machine Learning for oil and gas data analytics
- Pointwise uncertanty modeling in Machine Learning using fuzzy sets, probability theory and kernel methods
- Speech recognition
Recent Positions
Reseach Scientist IBM Research
Software Manager, eSience labs, IME USP, Brazil, (June 2014 - January, 2016). Responsable: Roberto M. Cesar Jr
Reseach Internship LITIS
labs, INSA Rouen, France (October, 2012 - September, 2013).
Advisor: Stephane
Phd Student, Advisor Roberto Hirata Jr at Institute of Mathematics and
Statitstics- University of Sao
Paulo Brazil
A Machine Learning Methodology based on Domain Knowledge Constraints for Well Data Integration and Well Production Prediction,
Guevara Jorge and Zadrozny Bianca and Bueno Alvaro and Ligang Lu and John Tolle and Jan Limbeck and Defletf Hohl
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Journal 2019 (accepted for publication)
A Hybrid Data-driven and Knowledge-driven Methodology for Estimating the Effect of Completion Parameters on the Cumulative Production of Horizontal Wells,
Guevara Jorge and Zadrozny Bianca and Bueno Alvaro and Ligang Lu and John Tolle and Jan Limbeck and Mingqi Wu and Defletf Hohl
SPE 2018 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.
Cross product kernels for fuzzy set similarity,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE 2017
Supervised machine learning with kernel embeddings of fuzzy sets and probability measures ,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2016, Techical Report IME-USP
Fuzzy Set Similarity using a Distance-Based Kernel on Fuzzy Sets,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2016, Book Chapter, Handbook of Fuzzy Sets Comparison - Theory, Algorithms and Applications,pages 103-120
Support Measure Data Description,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2014, Techical Report IME-USP ,
Positive Definite Kernel Functions on Fuzzy Sets,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE
Kernel Functions in Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy System with Nonsingleton Fuzzy Input,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems'' - FUZZ-IEEE 2013
Extraccion de caracteristicas en el procesamiento digital de una senal para el reconocimiento automatico del habla usando wavelets,
Guevara Jorge and Salazar Juan and Navarro Ronald
VIII Jornadas Peruanas de Computacion,
Un Modelo para el Reconocimiento Automatico del Habla utilizando
Wavelts B-Spline,
Guevara Jorge and Salazar Juan and Navarro Ronald
1st Euro-Latin American Workshop on Engineering Systems, 2005,
Mejora del Reconocimiento Automatico del Habla utilizando una clase de Wavelets y Segmentacion no Uniforme
Guevara Jorge and Salazar Juan and Navarro Ronald
III Congreso internacional de cientificos peruanos RMCP
Workshops Publications/Presentations
An interpretable machine learning methodology for well data integration and sweet spotting identification,
Guevara Jorge and B. Zadrozny, M. Kormaksson, A. Bueno, H. Hultmann,L. Lu , J.J. Tolle, J. Limbeck, M. Wu, D. Hohl
Machine Learning for Geophysical and Geochemical Signals. NIPS-2018, 8th Dec
Support Fuzzy-Set Machines: From Kernels on Fuzzy Sets to Machine Learning Applications,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
Learning on Distributions, Functions, Graphs and Groups @ NIPS-2017, 8th Dec.
A data-driven methodology for integrating geological measurements from unconventional reservoirs and production data for sweet spot identification,
Guevara Jorge and B. Zadrozny, M. Kormaksson, A. Bueno, H. Hultmann,L. Lu , J.J. Tolle, J. Limbeck, M. Wu, D. Hohl
Joint SBGf/SEG Workshop on Machine Learning on 15-16 May 2018
Kernels on Fuzzy Sets: an Overview,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
Learning on Distributions, Functions, Graphs and Groups @ NIPS-2017.
A data-driven workflow for predicting horizontal well production using vertical well logs,
Guevara Jorge and Matthias Kormaksson and Bianca Zadrozny
DMOG - Workshop on Data Mining for Oil and Gas, SIAM 2017
Support Measure Data Description for Group Anomaly Detection,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2015, workshop on outlier description and definition, ODDx3'15, SIGACM KDD
Support Vector Data Description for Uncertainty Data Sets,
Guevara Jorge and Canu Stephane and Hirata Jr Roberto
2013 The Machine Learning Summer School, - MLSS 2014, Max
Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,Tubingen, Germany
Guevara and Jorge and Zadrozny Bianca, Bueno Alvaro and Ligang Lu and John Tolle and Jan Limbeck and Mingqi Wu and Defletf Hohl
to be filled
Vasconcelos, Marisa Affonso; Cardonha, Carlos Henrique; Nunes Goncalves, Bernardo; Guevara Diaz, Jorge Luis
Vasconcelos, Marisa Affonso; Cardonha, Carlos Henrique; Nunes Goncalves, Bernardo; Guevara Diaz, Jorge Luis
Tech Reports and non published works
Guevara, Jorge and Roberto Hirata Jr. Inducao
de Classificadores Levando em
Conta a Imprecisao dos Dados. Qualificacao de Doutorado. pdf
Guevara, Jorge. Typestate-Oriented
Design A Coloured Petri Net Approach pdf
Guevara, Jorge and Castaneda Leissi. Clustering
de dados de taxa da fotossintese usando k-means clustering e clustering
Hierarquico pdf
Guevara, Jorge and Castaneda Leissi. Narizes
Electronicos para Identificacao de Plasticos pdf
Guevara, Jorge.
Recuperacion de Informacion en Textos
Hablados. Master thesis. pdf
Guevara, Jorge and Campos O.
Extraccion de caracteristicas usando wavelets para el reconocimiento
automatico del habla. Undergradate thesis. pdf
Guevara, Jorge. Mapas
Autoorganizativos y el Problema
del Agente Viajero, Backpropagation y Reconocimiento de Digitos pdf
Guevara, Jorge. Deteccion de Rostros
por medio de las
Wavelets de Morlet pdf
and Invited Talks
Talk on group anomaly detection link
IBM Research, Sao Paulo Brazil
Support Measure Data Description link
Serie de Seminarios em Computacao, UFABC, Sao Paulo Brazil
I Encuentro Acadamico Empresarial de
Ciencia de la Computacion link
Metodos de teoria de Grafos en
aprendizaje no supervisado y clustering. EAEC, Trujillo-Peru
2011 pdf.
I evento speech recognition algoritmos y aplicaciones 2009 UPN
Clustering para la Inicializacion de
Modelo Oculto de Markov usando tecnicas de clustering. pdf
Sociedad Peruana de Inteligencia Artificial, Piura - Peru.2008
Minicurso en Reconocimiento
Automatico del Habla, algoritmos y
aplicaciones. pdf
III Semana de Ciencia de la Computacion - Trujillo-Peru. 2008.
Criterios de Implementacion de
Modelos Ocultos de Markov. pdf
II Semana de Ciencia de la Computacion - Trujillo-Peru. 2007.
Extractores de Caracteristicas en un
sistema de reconocimiento
automatico del habla. pdf
I Semana de Ciencia de la Computacion - Trujillo-Peru. 2006.
Coeficientes Cepstrales en Escala Mel
y Dynamic Time Warping para el
Reconocimiento Automatico del habla. pdf