Our Mission
The Creative Vision Research Group is engaged in research in the field
of computer vision and pattern recognition for the purpose of
furthering fundamental knowledge and pursuing advanced applications
(including bioinformatics). The Creativision is part of the
Computer Vision Group at IME-USP.
The Creativision Group is at the Department of Computer Science, Mathematical
and Statistical Institute of the University of São Paulo and is led by
Prof. Roberto Marcondes Cesar-Jr.
Research activities can be grouped in two major categories: research in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics.
The Creativision Group sponsors workshops and seminars throughout the academic year in various aspects of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics. Announcements for the seminars and workshops are made via the website and email.
Founded in 1999.
Prof. Roberto Marcondes Cesar-Jr.Department of Computer Science - Bloco A
Institudo de Matemática e Estatística
R. do Matão 1010, Bloco A
São Paulo, SP 05508-090 Brazil
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Contact webmaster: creativision AT vision.ime.usp.br